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Развитие зелёной энергетики
Возобновляемые источники энергии становятся приоритетом для многих стран. В 2024 году активно развиваются технологии солнечной, ветровой и геотермальной энергетики.
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Зелёная энергетика помогает сократить углеродный след и уменьшить зависимость от ископаемых видов топлива. Это важный шаг к устойчивому развитию, который делает мир чище и безопаснее для будущих поколений.

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New Member
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New Member
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Naxd Germany s far-right AfD enters parliament: What it means for the country s politics
Marin County, California, has extended its face mask mandate until March 2024 in a proactive move to combat the resurgence of diseases, particularly COVID-19. The health order, applicable to all entering hospitals, emphasizes the importance of face masks regardless of vaccination status. U.S. President Joe Biden removes his face mask prior to awarding the Medal of Honor to retired Army Captain Larry Taylor for con
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spicuous gallantry during the Vietnam War, during a ceremony in the East Room at the White House in Washington, U.S., September 5, 2023.
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REUTERS As COVID-19 cases surged nationwide over the summer, recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC highlights elevated infection rates in states across the Great Lakes and northern Midwest regions. Amidst global debates on the efficacy of face masks, a comprehensive review by the Royal Society in the UK in August unequivocally supported their role in reducing COVID-19 infections. However, this preventive measure has faced opposition from several p
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rominent Republicans. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, for instance, signed a law prohibiting government agencies from enforcing mask mandates in the state. In contrast, Marin County s decision aligns with its commitment to public health. The mandate carries potential penalties, including misdemeanours or jail time, for non-compliance. County officials clarified that the order aims to safeguard individuals in high-risk healthcare settings and curb the Lkff Search for missing Indonesian submarine finds oil spill
New Zealands Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters called on neighbouring Australia to change its flag on Thursday, saying it had pinched the Kiwi banners design and was causing confusion. File photo shows a pedestrian walking past a bar window displaying New Zealand s national flag right and Australia s national flag left in Wellington. AFP photo We designed it and they borrowed it and if we wanted to clear the matter up they should change their flag, Peters told reporters. It must be patently obvious that all over the world people are confused. Ive been in places like Turkey and elsewhere where theyve confused our countries on the basis of those flags. Its not helpful. Both the New Zealand and Australian flags are dark blue with the Union Jack emblem of former colonial power Britain i
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n the top left corner. The only major difference is that the Australian version has six white stars, five representing the Southern Cross, while New Zealand depicts the constell
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ation with four red stars. Peters,
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who is temporarily leading the country while Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is on maternity leave, feels strongly about the flag issue. The 73-year-old also raised it earlier this week, complaining we got there first with this design . Opposition leader Simon Bridges ridiculed Peters flag preoccupation, accusing him of populism and labelling him a poor mans Donald Trump . Bridges said New Zealanders he had spoken to were concerned about topics such as the economy an

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