Faily Tumbler is basically that crash mode turned into its own game. You play as Phil Faily's caveman ancestor who, upon trying to collect eggs along the surface of a volcano, accidentally causes the volcano to erupt. This sends him tumbling down the mountain, and while your goal is still to avoid hitting the major hazards and keep your run going as long as possible, you're doing it using the ragdoll crashing from the previous games, as well as some special helpers along the way like a hang glider.
We have commented several times in the past when talking about either Faily Brakes or Faily Rider that the crashing portion should just be its own game. I'm happy to see Spunge answering that call. I'm also quite impressed by the variety on display in Faily Tumbler, as Faily Brakes initially launched as a somewhat basic game with just a single environment and handful of vehicles. It's since been fleshed out via updates, but it's nice to see so many options for customization and such a varied environment right off the bat in Faily Tumbler. Look for this one to arrive April 6th and until then you can join in on the discussion and maybe even land yourself .