
  1. F

    NUMECA FINE/Turbo 17.1 (x64)

    NUMECA FINE/Turbo 17.1 (x64) Win | File Size: 3.2 GB Flow Integrated Environment for rotating and non-rotating flow analysis in external and internal turbomachinery applications. Recognized as the fastest and most accurate CFD suite by the worldwide turbomachinery community. FINE™/Turbo is...
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    NUMECA FINE/Turbo 16.1

    Windows 64bit | + Docs & Tutorials | Size: 3.5 GB Flow Integrated Environment for rotating and non-rotating flow analysis in external and internal turbomachinery applications. Recognized as the fastest and most accurate CFD suite by the worldwide turbomachinery community. FINE™/Turbo is the...
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    NUMECA HEXPRESS / Hybrid 10.1 (x64)

    File Size: 1.3 GB The HEXPRESSTM / Hybrid program appeared on the market as a response to the need of European automotive companies for a fast and efficient mesher (grid builder), with which you can build computational grids for complex topologies in an extremely short time. At the moment, in...
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    NUMECA HEXPRESS/Hybrid 7.2 (x64)

    NUMECA HEXPRESS/Hybrid 7.2 (x64) File size: 1.25 GB Parallel Unstructured Hex Dominant Meshing for complex and/or unclean geometries. HEXPRESS™/Hybrid is the latest of NUMECA's meshing tools designed for meshing complex geometries starting from unclean CAD data. The tool produces unstructured...
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    NUMECA FINE/Turbo 12.2 (x64)

    NUMECA FINE/Turbo 12.2 (x64) File size: 2.25 GB Flow Integrated Environment for rotating and non-rotating flow analysis in external and internal turbomachinery applications. Recognized as the fastest and most accurate CFD suite by the worldwide turbomachinery community. FINE™/Turbo is the...
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    NUMECA FINE/Open 7.2 (x64)

    NUMECA FINE/Open 7.2 (x64) File size: 3.7 GB FINE™/Open with OpenLabs™ is a powerful CFD Flow Integrated Environment dedicated to complex internal and external flows. It can solve any flow, from incompressible to low and high speed flows. It combines completely unstructured hexahedral grids with...