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    kiloHearts Subscription 2.0.14

    kiloHearts Subscription 2.0.14 File size: 1.4 GB The Kilohearts Subscription gives you instant access to every single Kilohearts plugin, and all official Content Banks, for just € 9.99 a month. This includes our groundbreaking modular synthesizer Phase Plant, as well as our other highly...
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    Speedtree 8.1.4b4 for UE4 Subscription

    File size: 374 MB | Speedtree 8.1.4b4 for UE4 Subscription IDV, Inc has released 8.1.4b4 version of SpeedTree for UE4 Subscription, is monthly subscription modeler with a direct pipeline to UE4 for editing SpeedTrees from the store or creating from scratch. Speedtree 8 for UE4 - PBR Materials...