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    Mathworks matlab r2019b v9.7.0.1319299 update 5 only x64

    MathWorks MATLAB R2019b v9.7.0.1319299 Update 5 Only x64 File Size: 12.1 GiB OS: Windows x64 Description: Company MathWorks most complete software for computational computer produces; the main program the company that actually Passport is software MATLAB (short for Mat rix Lab Oratory and...
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    Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 Update5 ISO-TBE

    Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 Update5 ISO-TBE File Size: 3.41 GiB Intel Parallel Studio XE boosts performance, increases productivity, and eases scalability more than ever for HPC and compute-intensive applications. Whether you build for big data analytics, machine and deep learning, or...