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    Native Instruments Massive 1.6.0 (x64)

    Native Instruments Massive 1.6.0 (x64) | Size: 107.41 MB Language: English MASSIVE is a sonic monster - the ultimate synth for basses and leads. The analog concept belies the contemporary, cutting-edge sound it generates. The high-end engine delivers pure quality, lending an undeniable virtue...
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    Native Instruments Massive v1.5.11

    Team V.R | 13 November 2022 | 128 MB MASSIVE is a sonic monster - the ultimate synth for basses and leads. The analog concept belies the contemporary, cutting-edge sound it generates. The high-end engine delivers pure quality, lending an undeniable virtue and character to even the most...
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    Native Instruments - Massive 1 3 1 [x32-x64]

    Native Instruments - Massive 1 3 1 [x32-x64] Size: 1.02 GB Genre: Application | Language: English {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Calibri;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit...
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    Native Instruments Massive 1.5.8

    File Size: 285.2 MB MASSIVE is a sonic monster - the ultimate synth for basses and leads. The analog concept belies the contemporary, cutting-edge sound it generates. The high-end engine delivers pure quality, lending an undeniable virtue and character to even the most saturated of sounds. The...
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    Native Instruments Massive X v1.0.1 WiN

    Native Instruments Massive X v1.0.1 WiN File Size: 867 MiB The original Massive, having helped define the sound of modern genres such as dubstep and EDM, became synonymous with an exciting, forward-thinking approach to synthesis that unapologetically embraced its digital DNA. Famous for its...