Autodesk Inventor Pro 2022 (x64) by m0nkrus | 11.7 GB
Autodesk Inventor Pro contains a complete set of flexible tools for machine-building 3D design, product analysis, creating toolbar, designing to order and exchanging project data. Autodesk Inventor Pro helps to go beyond 3D using digital prototype technology based on the highest accuracy of the 3D model, which allows design, visualization and analysis of products before the first sample is manufactured. The technology of digital prototypes implemented in Autodesk Inventor Pro makes it possible to improve the quality of products, reduce development costs and accelerate the conclusion to the market.
Autodesk Inventor Pro includes easy to use and closely interacting with a different means of dynamic analysis and the calculation of stresses that help explore the behavior of parts and products in real exploitation and faster to market high-quality products. Autodesk Inventor Pro will automate key aspects of the processing of injection molds for parts from plastics, as well as the wiring of complex pipeline and cable networks. Thanks to these opportunities, the risk of errors appear and the competitiveness of products has been growing.
Year of release: 2021
Program version: 2022 Build 153
Developer: Autodesk.
Assembly author: M0NKRUS
Platform: Windows X64
Interface language: Russian / English
Medicine: present
System requirements:
• 64-bit version of Windows 10, which corresponds to the Autodesk Product Support Life Cycle Policies; 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8.x or Windows 10
• processor with a clock frequency of 2.5 GHz (3 GHz is recommended, minimum 4 kernels)
• 16 GB of RAM for assemblies with less than 500 parts (32 GB recommended)
• Video adapter with 1 GB of video memory, 3 Gbit / s bandwidth and DIRECTX 11 support (4 GB and 106 Gb / s are recommended)
• Screen resolution 1280x1024 (3840x2160 recommended; preferred scale 100%, 125%, 150% or 200%)
• 40 GB of free disk space
• Google Chrome or Analog
• .NET Framework 4.8 or later
Complex models, complex assemblies molds and large assemblies (more than 1000 parts)
• processor with a clock frequency of 3.3 GHz, minimum 4 kernels
• 64 GB of RAM
• video adapter with 4 GB of video memory, 36 Gbit / s bandwidth and DirectX 11 support