House Builder Medieval-TENOKE


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House Builder Medieval-TENOKE


House BuildeMedieval DLC | 27.87 GB
Language : English
Genre : Adventure, Casual, Indie, Simulation
Developer: FreeMind S.A.
Publisher: PlayWay S.A.
Release Date: 19 Jun, 2024​

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Developer's note: First Medieval DLC house will appears after passing Castle Flipper House, which is also in a medieval climate (it is located on map near Spain - it is the house from the basic version of the game)
"New ideas must use old buildings."!

To better understand the present, sometimes you need to know the past. We invite to know more about building in Dark Ages in Medieval DLC of House Builder, where you can create three new houses:
Watermill house

The world's first mills were built as early as 1 B.C.! The mechanism was equipped with a water wheel, the driving force of which was derived from the energy of the dammed watethis made it easy to grind cereals and produce flour and groats. Mills had to be located close to rivers or streams. At this level, you will be able to move into a Medieval mill, which will also be home to you - from now on you will be able to call yourself a miller!
⚒️Blacksmith's house⚒️

Blacksmiths were a very important profession in the Middle Ages. Their main task was to make horseshoes so that the horses could work effectively and efficiently in the fields, and serve in transport and battle. The blacksmith also made barrels, nails, and various useful tools. It was a popular and respected profession - famous writers and chroniclers wrote about them. With the DLC, you will be able to feel like a medieval blacksmith - you will build your own house including a workshop!
Windmill house

Windmills are structures with wings that, driven by the wind, are used to grind grain. They are the oldest windmill engine invented by humanthey were invented in the ninth century in eastern Persia, while by the end of the twelfth century, they had spread to England and the Netherlandand nowadays many people convert old windmills into houses. On the level, you will build a wooden windmill, which will also be a home for you!

System Requirements

OS *: Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core i5
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GeForce GTX 750
Sound Card: DirectX compatible

OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i7
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVidia GeForce GTX 1050
Sound Card: DirectX compatible



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Хлеб это продукт, который сопровождает человечество в протяжении многих веков. Он не просто кулинарное угощение, но и символ уединения у домашнего очага, заботы и тепла. И каждый хлеб, попадающий к нам на стол, проходит сложный путь, начиная от выкармливания зерна и заканчивая выпечкой на хлебозаводе.

От зерна до хлеба

Хлебозавод это место, в каком месте происходит весь процесс превращения зерна в вкусный и питательный хлеб. Сырье это основа всего производства, потому зерно должно быть высокого свойства. Потом оно проходит процесс очистки, сортировки и измельчения, чтоб потом стать мукой одним из ключевых ингредиентов в хлебопечении.

Технология на службе свойства

На хлебозаводе применяются самые современные технологии, которые позволяют контролировать весь процесс производства и давать обеспечение высокое качество продукции. От использования специальных видов муки до четких настроек температур и медли выпечки каждая деталь очень важна для творения безупречного хлеба
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Обилие продукции

На современных хлебозаводах производится множество видов хлебобулочных изделий, от классического белого хлеба до различных видов багетов, булок, пирогов и круассанов. Разнообразие форм и вкусов дает возможность каждому потребителю выбрать конкретно то изделие, которое придется по вкусу.

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