Puremagnetik Antoka 1.0.1


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Puremagnetik Antoka 1.0.1 | Size: 25.36 MB
Language: English

Antoka is a bit crusher, foldover resampler and AM/FM crossfader that completely annihilates anything you throw at it. Inspired by legendary guitar pedals that employ ring modulation, envelope following and distortion, Antoka was designed to bring a wealth of tonal capabilities to your session. Dial up extreme bit crushing effects for complete destruction or trim some subtle AM overtones.
Antoka has a gain detection and envelope that follows the input signal. This means it will apply a bit crushing envelope over a period of time for each new amplitude trigger. Throw that on top of an LFO, an amplitude modulation / frequency modulation crossfader and you have a huge tool box of sound design possibilities.
Antoka Controls & Quick Start
RESOLUTION - Bit crushing algorithm. Fully left is more extreme crushing.
DOWNLINK - Envelope time for RESOLUTION. Gets triggered on new note threshold.
PROCESS - Ring modulation frequency. With TRACK ON, this is a ratio of incoming signal frequency
TRACK - Pitch track the incoming signal for the ring modulator.
CIPHER - Amount of RESOLUTION modulation.
AM/FM - Crossfade between Amplitude and Frequency Modulation.
Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

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