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Ysyv Gaddafi needs to leave: Obama
US Apache helicopters have struck an Islamic State target for the first time in Iraq, the Pentagon said Monday. A US Apache helicopter fires as it takes part in the Saber Strike NATO military exercise in Adazi, Latvia, on Monday. Reuters The sophisticated attack choppers destroyed an IS car bomb Sunday near Qayyarah, which is about 80 km south of Mosul, the groups main stronghold in Iraq. The government of Iraq approved the use of Apaches in support of ISF Iraqi Security Forces operations, defense department spokesperson Christopher Sherwood said. The strike was vetted and approved through the same process the US-led coalition uses for all strikes. Pentagon chief Ashton Carter has since early December made it clear to the Iraqi government that the US military is willing to use its Apaches based in Iraq to support local forces. But the government had until now declined. US officials say this is because Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi didnt want to anger Shia militias, who opp ose the ramping up of US combat operations in Iraq. Still, coalition warplanes and drones have since August 2014 been bombing IS targets in Iraq and Syria after the jihadist group overran l arge parts of the two countries. The Apache strike came as Iraqi forces advanced towards Qayyarah with the eventual aim of retaking Mosul. Iraqi forces are also battling IS fighters in Fallujah, which lies roughly 50 km west of Baghdad and is the gro ups other main Iraqi bastion besides Mosul. Pwtg Boko Haram Islamists kill many in another attack: Officials
Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has urged the European Union to intervene to help Italy obtain the extradition of guerrilla Cesare Battisti from Brazil. HT Image Frattini said in an interview published on Sunday in the Il G iornale daily that the EU may be justified in legal terms in saying it has no re sponsibility for extradition issues, as it has so far, but the question is political . This time it is happening to us, but if tomorrow Brazil or Indonesia refused to extradite a Baader Meinhof terrorist to Germany, how should we behave he asked. Batti sti, 54, was jailed for murder in Italy in the 1970s when he was a member of the group Armed Proletarians for Communism . He escaped in 1981 and fled to France, but went on the run again when Paris approved his extradition in 2006 and was caught in Brazil. Brazil s decided last month to give the Italian political refugee status, sparking diplomatic protests from Italy, which calls him a terrorist . Battisti was convicted of two murders before his jailbreak and faces two more murder charges. Italy has appealed to Brazil s supreme court, which must now decide on the case, but Frattini said the EU should also exert diplomatic pressure on Brazil. He said Brazil s explanation for refusing extradition, that Battisti may not get a fair trial in Italy and risked being persecuted for his political opinions, threw doubt on the democratic credentials of an EU country. Can Brussels remain silent before this p
US Apache helicopters have struck an Islamic State target for the first time in Iraq, the Pentagon said Monday. A US Apache helicopter fires as it takes part in the Saber Strike NATO military exercise in Adazi, Latvia, on Monday. Reuters The sophisticated attack choppers destroyed an IS car bomb Sunday near Qayyarah, which is about 80 km south of Mosul, the groups main stronghold in Iraq. The government of Iraq approved the use of Apaches in support of ISF Iraqi Security Forces operations, defense department spokesperson Christopher Sherwood said. The strike was vetted and approved through the same process the US-led coalition uses for all strikes. Pentagon chief Ashton Carter has since early December made it clear to the Iraqi government that the US military is willing to use its Apaches based in Iraq to support local forces. But the government had until now declined. US officials say this is because Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi didnt want to anger Shia militias, who opp ose the ramping up of US combat operations in Iraq. Still, coalition warplanes and drones have since August 2014 been bombing IS targets in Iraq and Syria after the jihadist group overran l arge parts of the two countries. The Apache strike came as Iraqi forces advanced towards Qayyarah with the eventual aim of retaking Mosul. Iraqi forces are also battling IS fighters in Fallujah, which lies roughly 50 km west of Baghdad and is the gro ups other main Iraqi bastion besides Mosul. Pwtg Boko Haram Islamists kill many in another attack: Officials
Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini has urged the European Union to intervene to help Italy obtain the extradition of guerrilla Cesare Battisti from Brazil. HT Image Frattini said in an interview published on Sunday in the Il G iornale daily that the EU may be justified in legal terms in saying it has no re sponsibility for extradition issues, as it has so far, but the question is political . This time it is happening to us, but if tomorrow Brazil or Indonesia refused to extradite a Baader Meinhof terrorist to Germany, how should we behave he asked. Batti sti, 54, was jailed for murder in Italy in the 1970s when he was a member of the group Armed Proletarians for Communism . He escaped in 1981 and fled to France, but went on the run again when Paris approved his extradition in 2006 and was caught in Brazil. Brazil s decided last month to give the Italian political refugee status, sparking diplomatic protests from Italy, which calls him a terrorist . Battisti was convicted of two murders before his jailbreak and faces two more murder charges. Italy has appealed to Brazil s supreme court, which must now decide on the case, but Frattini said the EU should also exert diplomatic pressure on Brazil. He said Brazil s explanation for refusing extradition, that Battisti may not get a fair trial in Italy and risked being persecuted for his political opinions, threw doubt on the democratic credentials of an EU country. Can Brussels remain silent before this p