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Fortnite has disabled the 'Vaulted a Year or More' section from the Item Shop - a change which is thought to have been made to remove the from the rotation.
Today's "Vaulted a Year or More" section in the Item Shop featured five cosmetics, all of which were considered to be "rare" due to how long it's been since they were last available. Although the reason for the section's removal was not revealed, it's most likely because of the Tidy Emote. This Emote was the third rarest in Fortnite - a title which was earned because it didn't return for over 1,400 days due to concerns of copyright for moves seen in Snoop Dogg's 2004 song "Drop It Like It's Hot".

The following cosmetics were also available in the now-removed section:
- Outfit
- Outfit
- Glider
- Pickaxe

In a , Epic said they're "aware the 'Vaulted a Year or More' section was briefly present in and is now missing from tonight's Item Shop" and will "continue to offer different versions of this section in the future".
To view the full Item Shop for today, visit .
In other news, Flakes Power is joining the Fortnite Icon Series. to read more.
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