Zombie Gunship Survival, the next installment in the now-classic Zombie Gunship [] franchise, has been in soft-launch for quite some time, but now we have a release date; May, 2017. If for some weird reason you know nothing of the franchise, Zombie Gunship is all about circling in an AC-130 ground attack aircraft and taking out zombies from up high. The upcoming game brings a few new things to the formula. The first one is, unsurprisingly, more powerful weapons to help you blow those zombies up more effectively. The second is improved visuals, which should make those explosions even more satisfying, and the third one is the addition of ground troops rather than panicked civilians running for dear life.
The ground troops will require your help to stand their ground, so there should be another layer of tactics in Zombie Gunship Survival. The game also adds a new campaign with multiple scenarios and - of course - base building. I spent a lot of time playing the original Zombie Gunship, and I hope Zombie Gunship Survival provides the same kind of entertainment. Check out for hands-on impressions.
The ground troops will require your help to stand their ground, so there should be another layer of tactics in Zombie Gunship Survival. The game also adds a new campaign with multiple scenarios and - of course - base building. I spent a lot of time playing the original Zombie Gunship, and I hope Zombie Gunship Survival provides the same kind of entertainment. Check out for hands-on impressions.